A true gift to all who know him: meet Dion Coleman, Hope For Three’s December Autism All-Star. With a smile that can light up any room, Dion is known for captivating hearts with his sense of humor and genuine eagerness to help others.

Dion is nineteen years old and attends the Adult Transition Program at Kempner High School. He is dedicated to learning and mastering self-help skills. Dion attended camp this past summer, where he enjoyed learning to canoe and ride a horse. He is committed to serving others, especially at home, where he helps with the dishes and keeps the kitchen clean.
Dion loves to sing and dance and is the ultimate “Swifty.” He’s a huge Taylor Swift fan! Dion also enjoys playing baseball but truly loves building with his Legos. He is known for making silly faces and loves to make others laugh; his smile melts the hearts of many.

Dion is charismatic, kind, funny, hardworking, and very thoughtful. He makes the world better by being an all-around good person. This is what makes Dion an Autism All-Star!!