Hope For Three is honored to introduce our November Autism Superhero, Hannah Collier!
Hannah is a compassionate, intelligent, caring person with her big superpower of helping special needs children, including autism, through observing, bonding with the child, and incorporating her ABA* methodologies into academic teaching. Hannah strives to know and bond with her students, find what motivates them and their interests, and then run with it!
Hannah makes learning and instruction as meaningful, rewarding, and engaging as possible for her students with different abilities, even if this means being outrageous and silly! Hannah’s goal is to teach her students to be as independent as possible in the classroom and in life.
Hannah’s journey began after meeting an individual with autism named Noah. He and his family touched her soul, and she became more passionate about impacting families with autistic children or any other exceptionality. Hannah realized she needed to change her major in college from Veterinary Medicine to Psychology with a minor in Special Education. Hannah began working with Hope For Three in 2020 as an Intern and then as an employee and had a wonderful time working closely with families and lifting them up. In 2021, Hannah worked in an ABA* school in Baton Rouge where she solidified her passion for Special Education. Currently, she is sharing her passion and bringing impact to the students at the Tuttle School. The Tuttle School is a beautiful place where individuals with various diagnoses are nurtured to thrive and build their independence.
Hannah shares, “The feedback from my students’ parents keeps me going and often brings me to tears. I’m so blessed to have found my passion with these kids and to be a part of a wonderful school!” Hannah has a gift and serves her students, parents/caregivers, and community with love, passion, care, and concern. Undoubtedly, she will continue to impact many, including children with special needs, and this is what makes Hannah Hope For Three’s November Autism Superhero!
*ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis