Superpower: Plum Krazy Creations
During the pandemic I opened my own cottage bakery called Plum Krazy Creations. I have a newly diagnosed son with autism and an adopted little girl with autism, plus several complex special needs.
My daughter has an excessive attachment to food and she has a hard time with me spending any time in the kitchen. But I found my way back! She now is finally starting to learn that Mama needs to spend time in the kitchen and she is also learning the process of cooking and baking results in the food she eats.
The cottage bakery has helped me have (self care/me time) as well as a have bit of money to help with the medical expenses. I also give back 10% of my profits to Dream4Adoption, a local non profit I formed while awaiting my daughters arrival. It helps other families with grants on their own journey of adoption.
Please visit my website, Facebook and Instagram; Plum Krazy Creations. And yes these goodies are for sale! Plum Krazy Creations.