I’ve started, erased and re-started writing this piece four times. When Darla asked me to talk about my family and how we help others I was honored. But I also felt weird. When reaching out to those in need (and then writing about it) I never want to come across as patronizing, proud or anything other than just real. So here goes…
Alejandro and I make our kids to work for their money. And once they earn money, we make them save some, spend some and give at least 10%. We do the same with our money. They can give to the Church or to whatever cause they like. But it’s non-negotiable. Over the years they’ve given to animal rescue groups, St. Laurence Catholic Church, homeless people and close friends going through hard times. The vast majority of our giving is what I call “off the grid” giving. We give to the single mom from Nigeria who escaped an abusive husband. We give to the immigrant family who is sleeping on the floor in a filthy rented room. We give to the grandma taking care of her four grandkids while the parents are in jail. There are hurting people everywhere.
Laura Guerrero is a single mom of three young kids, all diagnosed with autism. She’s a teacher and has no family support. As soon as Darla told me about her, I knew we needed to help.
Laura sent me her “wish list” and as any mom would, humbly asked if we could possibly help her daughter get a birthday present. She had a birthday coming up soon. My kids gathered their “give money”, I sent a few emails. When all was said and done we were able to get each of her kids a backpack, school supplies, new clothes, toys and candy. Laura got $200 in gift cards. That won’t last long. She’ll need more help. With God’s undeniable Grace and Provision we will continue to help Laura and others like her.
Watching God care for His people and using my family to advance his Kingdom on earth is humbling and a great privilege. We all have something to offer.
Alejandro, Melissa, Artem, Alex, Valentia and Renata Covarrubias
“Everyone can do something.” – Mother Teresa