
Marshall’s Success


I wanted to give you an update on Marshall and his progress at Launch Academy. He takes a Coffee Shop/Bake Shop class during first period. He has learned how to cook eggs and pancakes. The staff prepares the students to eventually serve customers one day. I cried happy tears when Marshall’s teacher sent the photo to me of him cooking.

Marshall is currently learning how to play 3 instruments: the keyboard, drums, and the guitar. Launch has a Tuesday afternoon band practice/jam session and it gets pretty loud in there with some pretty good music. Marshall’s sensory issues seem to disappear when he’s in the midst of the beautiful music. I never realized how much he really loves to rock!

Launch Academy has a lawn business for their high school students. They cut the small lawn for the church in which the school is located. The Head of School approached me a few weeks ago and told me that although Marshall is in the middle school, he felt like Marshall was up for the challenge. I was shocked when I received this photo of him cutting the grass.

Academically, Marshal is thriving. He comes home and independently completes his work. He is taking more responsibility for completing his assignments, more so than I have ever seen him in previous years.

Thank you Hope for Three for helping to make this school year possible for my son at Launch Academy. He would NOT be able to attend without the help of this dynamic organization. Please read that sentence again. It’s been a blessing for the both of us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!