Meet Kayra King, Hope For Three’s brave August Autism All-Star with a passion for life. Kayra was diagnosed with autism, speech impairment, and intellectual disability at three and a half years. Even so, she refuses to let these diagnoses stop her from living her best life. Kayra started reading at just four years old and learned to write, count money, perform addition, simple multiplication, and basic fractions! She also taught herself the sign language alphabet when she was 10.Now, at 13, she is a student at Caffey Junior High in Alvin ISD. Her favorite subject is science, and she enjoys learning about astronomy and plants.She also is a typical teenager that thrives on pizza, chocolate, and popcorn!
Kayra lives with her parents Angel and Giset, and her younger sister Krysta. Both her parents are from Puerto Rico and are teachers. Together they founded Café Azul TX Autism, a bilingual nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those with autism and their families. Kayra and Krysta have a wonderful relationship, and Krysta is a very supportive sister. The family enjoys spending time together and being active in their church. “Kayra loves God, and it is amazing to see God at work in her life,” said her family.
For fun, Kayra likes riding her scooter around the lake near her home, playing with her dog Luka, and dancing. Last year, she started dancing for Darby’s Dancers,a nonprofit organization that funds dance classes for students with special needs. She recently had her first dance recital and is excited to continue growing as a dancer. Her sister Krysta signed up with Darby’s Dancers to be her buddy and dance with her.
Kayra’s family said she is funny and fearless despite having sensory issues; she continues to try new things and not let her fear keep her from enjoying life. She is constantly challenging herself and getting out of her comfort zone to advance to the next level in different areas of her life. Kayra even overcame her fear of water.
Her family describes Kayra as being the happiest person they know. She wakes up dancing, singing, and always has a big smile on her face. She is funny, kind, and brave. Kayra is never afraid to try new things or live life to the fullest. All these things are what make her an Autism All-Star!
Interview and Story authored by Nycole McMahon.